Short-Video: A Once In A Lifetime Opportunity…If You Dare...

It’s official. We're amid a HUGE shift in the internet era, where short videos have become the king of online content.

It's estimated that video will be responsible for 82% of global internet traffic this year; that's 15x higher than in 2017.

I have no doubt that TikTok has contributed massively to this shift. A clear sign of this is the rise of vertical-short video content on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube (aka. shorts). And now, Twitter and LinkedIn are joining late to the party.

But, why is it so critical to pay attention to this massive shift?

Because the rise of short videos will impact your life in one way or another.

You'll discover new products, memes, recipes, places, and news by scrolling on TikTok, Reels, or Shorts (choose your own adventure).

Still skeptical? Prabhakar Raghavan, a top executive at Google, revealed at a Forbes conference that nearly 40% of Gen Z is not using the biggest search engine in the world to obtain their answers.

Guess where they go? TikTok and Instagram are replacing Google Search or Maps.

Watching and, more importantly, producing video content will be the most demanded skill in Marketing in the upcoming years.

Brainstorming, creating hooks, scripts, recording, editing, pairing with the right audio, adding captions and hashtags. All while keeping it short, sweet, and engaging.

Make no mistake; it takes an insane amount of craft to produce engaging content for an audience consistently.

Of course, there are incredibly talented people out there that does this naturally, but the vast majority of us needs practice.

The bright side of this story is that anyone with a cell phone and creativity can do it. It's an opportunity that we haven't seen in a very looong time, and it's pure gold in your hands... if you dare….

I will.


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